Kelowna Disc Dogs
UpDog Challenge Competitions, Intro Classes, Toss & Fetch League, Disc Sales, Disc Dog Event Photography & More!
If you have a disc loving dog or are interested in learning more about the sport contact us today to get started!
UpDog Challenge
UpDog is a dog sport organization made up of several different games that are played as a human/dog team. It is beginner friendly and quickly becoming a favourite for many all over the world!
Toss & Fetch League
Toss & Fetch consists of several 5 week seasons throughout the year. Each team (human/dog) will get two rounds each week to collect as many points as possible by having successful catches in the point zones. This is one of the best way to get introduced to the sport and meet fellow disc doggers! All skill levels welcome.
Intro to Disc Classes
We try to host at least one "Intro to Disc" class per year to which includes basic foundations, trial etiquette, throwing skills and more. You will gain an understanding for both Toss & Fetch and UpDog and be set with the foundations to start your disc dog journey!